Dr. Michael Sagas and Dr. Israel Teoldo Da Costa met at the University of Florida following Dr. Da Costa’s demonstration for the UF Soccer coaches. He provided the coaches with information about his software and soccer research he is currently working on. He is a consultant for youth development programs in several countries around the world, aiming to improve the game of soccer and the development of youth players.
Da Costa is a Brazilian research scientist at the Federal University of Vicosa, or UFV. He received his undergraduate degree in Physical Education in Brazil, as well as his Master’s in Sport Psychology. He then received his PhD in Sport Science in Portugal, with a focus on tactics in soccer. He has provided his knowledge and expertise through several different platforms including his book about decision making in soccer, his advanced software platform TacticUp, as well as numerous different research articles.
Throughout the podcast, Sagas and Da Costa emphasized the different types of tactical decision making skills necessary for soccer, as well as the most ideal times for individuals to learn those skills. They also spoke about different student involvement activities, the importance of knowledgeable coaches, and the importance of learning how to improve the game of soccer collectively, rather than as individuals. Da Costa provided his websites in the podcast and the links can be found below.
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