The Institute for Coaching Excellence is committed to the education and development of athlete facing professionals who are responsible for training elite athletes and teams. As the coaching profession has become more complex, coaches have assumed a wide variety of roles and responsibilities that contribute to long-term athlete development. We believe that educating coaches is a critical component of promoting athlete development and the sustainability of the coaching profession.

Our Mission

The Institute for Coaching Excellence promotes holistic and sustainable athlete development and success through athlete-centered coaching environments on and off the field of play, and in life after sports. Our mission is to invest in research, education, and outreach of the ICE faculty and staff as we invest in the professional, personal, and psychosocial development of sport professionals that directly affect the development of athletes. This includes:

Goal 1

Generating and disseminating coach and athlete development knowledge that bridges the divide between research and practice.

Goal 2

Providing experiential research and educational activities for UF students, faculty, and University Athletic Association (UAA) professionals.

Goal 3

Developing and facilitating the use of analytic tools to assist in coaching, administration, oversight, and development of high-performance athletes.

Goal 4

Serving as a benchmark for coaching curricula to other university-based coaching education programs and catalyzing further progress of the coaching discipline by establishing standards of excellence and improving the consistency of formal courses and training programs.

Our Vision

Our vision is to develop effective, empathetic, athlete-centered leaders to coach the next generation of athletes. We will accomplish this vision through a variety of channels including formal research, education opportunities (courses, certificates, and programs), conferences and workshops, and searchable online learning resources.