An interview with Dave Colby – a Certified Director of Racquet Sports

May 22, 2024

Certified Director of Racquet Sports Certificate Graduate Marcos Del Pilar

What’s your name?

Dave Colby

Where are you located?

Boca Raton, Florida

Where do you work and what’s your current title?

Associate Head of Tennis & Pickleball St Andrews Country Club

What are your 3 favorite things about this course?

1- I enjoyed the financial construction of “my club” and the exchange with Doug Cash

2- I enjoyed the videos with veterans sharing their Tennis journey with us

3- I enjoyed going through the process of creating different things for the assignments, and I thought the assignments were an effective means of reinforcing concepts.

Bonus 4- I appreciated Kim’s videos and thoughtful delivery of information

What has surprised you the most about this course?

How long it would take me to complete!

Have you been able to apply anything you’ve learned so far? If so, what?

I have been trying to be thoughtful about creating “peak” moments in my upcoming work which was a big theme running though the book assigned and also the last modules.

What was the reason you chose to take this course?

I was seeking to grow professionally and be ready for what is next.

How would you describe the Director of Racquet Sports Certificate Course to someone who doesn’t know what it is?

The University of Florida’s Director of Racquets Certification is an excellent way for any racquets professional to improve their industry IQ. Participants take a deep dive into 10 areas of focus covering a wide variety of topics and learning from industry veterans. The insights you will gain will enable you to be a better and more effective leader. Every module covered is pertinent, and allows self-discovery, examines industry dynamics, flourishing complimentary racquet sports, technology, personal brand, creating winning culture and designing impactful moments. The course also highlights the paramount importance of well planned finance, marketing and sales. Considering how precious our time is, I believe this course would be worthwhile and impactful for any professional at any stage of their career.

What’s one thing we can’t guess about you from your resume?

I am a loyal employee as my first Teaching job out of college, I stayed at for 20 years.

How did you get into racquet sports? Did you always want to have a career in this industry? HAVE you always had a career in this industry?

I grew up in Massachusetts and played tennis because my older brother was a tennis player. We had a 3 court facility at the end of my street and I would live at those courts and play sets all day long growing up. Tennis also brought me back on track, when I was a young person that was really over the place and not making great choices.

Tennis has been part of my whole working life, and I have enjoyed teaching my own kids, and getting them all hitting the ball.

What is one racquet sports or leadership related podcast/social account/book/publication/person you’d recommend others to follow and why?

The Racquet Fuel Podcast of course!!! Great guests and hosts and fascinating discussion.

If you could give one piece of advice to people just starting in this course, what would it be?

Network, grow positive relationships with those in your geographical area, and try to go beyond that when opportunities arise. Once you master a particular area, move on to bigger and better. Be willing to learn, change, and be as dynamic as a player trying to make his way through a match.

Pete Paciorek with children from his company, Character Loves Company.

Interested in our Director of Racquet Sports Certificate?

You, too, can develop the business and leadership competencies required to successfully manage a tennis and racquets operation. Visit our website for more information.

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